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November 2015 was my first costume and convention, without knowing to sew so I bought and customized many things the best I could.

I quickly wanted to know to sew, making a perfect costume. I watched many tutorials on Youtube and WIP pics, coming from rather cosplayers, which helped me to learn several methods.

Since then, I've been in a few contest:

- MangameShow 2016 : 2nd place

- Toulouse Game Show 2016 : 1st place

- Mang'azur 2017 : 1st place

- Savoie Retro Games 2017: Special price Savoie

- Hero Festival Marseille 2019: 1st place

If you'd like to invite me in any convention, event or select me as a jury for a Cosplay contest, contact me to know my terms.

Here are the next conventions where you can meet me:

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